Finding Freedom: A Drug Addict's Story from Death to Life

Finding Freedom: A Drug Addict's Story from Death to Life

Have you ever wondered why you continue to stay stuck in the same destructive cycles? Or wondered why you keep making the same mistakes over and over? Or why do you continue to allow people to run all over you? 

I did too...until I found freedom. Finding Freedom is about my ten-year journey through drug addiction, mental health issues, and abuse. Each chapter gives insight into what was going on during those times, how I handled the situations, and how I came out of the chaos. Not only is this book about a drug addict’s story, but it also gives practical application for the reader. Each chapter gives steps on how to get free from all types of bondage. 

This book will bring healing and restoration to your family and to your soul, help you to understand what your loved one who is stuck in addiction is going through, and help you to receive healing for yourself from life-controlling issues.

Purchase here! 


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